Frequently Asked Questions
Most frequent questions and answers
Q: You sent me an offer letter or postcard. How did you know that I was a private property owner?
A: All property owners are registered with the county assessor and recorder, which is public information.
Q:How do you determine your offer price?
A: Our Final Offers are determined by recent Comparable sales in the area , current market conditions, access to roads, available utilities, size of the property, and our profit are all factors that go into our offer price.
Q: Do you pay fair prices for land?
A: Hard question to answer. We believe the prices we pay are fair and a win-win for both parties but you must understand We do not pay retail, We want to be transparent. If you are only interested in getting a FULL retail value for your Land, we are not your best option. To get top value, you’ll most likely need to contact a local real estate agent, list the property for a considerable amount of time, wait for the right buyer to come along and pay the sales commission. However, that cost can be made up when you factor in the fact that we charge ZERO in commissions. In addition, we close quickly. This saves you money by shortening the period of time in which you are responsible for taxes, assessments, and maintenance of the property. Remember, the land market is very slow, selling the traditional way, and using a realtor to find a buyer can take months if not longer!
Q: Are there ANY hidden costs or fees?
A: We will pay most of the fees associated with the sale of your property. These fees include recording fees, document prep, notary, postage, and transfer taxes.
Q:Don’t I need a real estate agent?
A:No, it is a commonly held misconception that a real estate agent is needed. Real estate agents list properties (often at inflated prices) in hopes that someone will buy them, and they will get their hefty commission. You will have to sign a contract, binding you to them for a certain amount of time, but the sad truth is that most real estate agents spend very little energy marketing LAND since they stand to make smaller commissions than more expensive improved properties like houses and commercial properties.
Q: Can you explain How the Process Works to sell my land and your company's 3 steps process?
A: Please read the THREE STEP PROCESS that we use to purchase Land as described on this site. (see website MENU)
Q:Are you negotiable on your offer price?
A:We understand that you may have concerns about our offer price and you may be wondering if we are negotiable. While we are open to discussions, we are also cautious about the investments we make to ensure that they align with our business goals. If you can provide us with additional information that could impact our offer, we will gladly reassess the situation. However, please note that in most of the markets we operate in, there is a surplus of available land investments, which means we have to be strategic with our offers.
IN SOME INSTANCES WE CAN OFFER A HIGHER PRICE FOR YOUR LAND IF YOU WILL CONSIDER A “REAL ESTATE OPTION SALE AGREEMENT” FOR THE SALE OF YOUR LAND , let me explain, in simple terms, a real-estate option contract is a uniquely designed agreement that’s strictly between the seller and the buyer. In this agreement, a seller offers an option to the buyer to purchase property at a fixed price within a limited time frame (Obviously I’m nor an an attorney and I’m not try to offer you legal advice, please consult with legal counsel if this method is right for your situation), I can send you a sample copy of the contract that we use.
Q: We have legal problems with the Deed, are you still interested?
A: Of course, title issues “clouds or defects” like past deeds, wills, trusts, divorce decrees, bankruptcy filings, court judgments and tax records that may be defective or outstanding can be resolved, please describe in detail the nature of the problem and we’ll contact the title company or a Real Estate attorney We have years of experience working with complicated title issues. Each situation is different. Depending on the state and county where the land is located and the circumstances involved, we may be able to quiet the title, file probate, or explore other creative options in order to find the right legal solution for your situation.
Q:How fast can you close?
A:We aim to close as quickly as possible, typically within 14 to 30 days, provided that all necessary paperwork is provided promptly by all parties involved. Our standard practice is to work with a title company or attorney to manage the transaction, which may sometimes require additional information to be provided. It’s worth noting that some title companies may take more time to close a transaction.
Q:I own other properties too. Will you consider buying them as well?
A:Great to hear that you have other properties. We are always looking to acquire new properties, so please feel free to contact us with the details of the properties you own. Once we have all the necessary information, we will evaluate each property and make an offer if we are interested in purchasing them. You can reach us via phone, email, or through the contact form on our website. We look forward to hearing from you.
Q:I have never been to the property I own. Will you still buy it if I don’t know anything about it?
Q:I have never been to the property I own. Will you still buy it if I don’t know anything about it?
A:Yes, that’s not a problem. We conduct our own due diligence process for all the properties we purchase, so you don’t need to have any specific knowledge or information about the property. We will handle the research and ensure that the property meets our investment criteria.
Q: My property has back taxes. Still interested?
A: Yes, we often purchase properties that have back taxes.